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1st first well-known female Pharaoh

1st first well-known female Pharaoh

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When we think of the word pharaoh, many of us conjure up mental images of Tutankhamun Ramsses or in some cases, Cleopatra However, when researching the history of the rulers of Egypt, women are largely excluded, and a pharaoh is almost always pictured as a male. Sobekneferu was the first female Pharaoh to rule Egypt in

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Nilometer the 1st device for determining taxes

Nilometer the 1st device for determining taxes

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  A Nilometer in ancient Egypt was a structure for measuring the Nile’s clarity and water level during the annual flood season or “Akhet”. If the water level was low, there would be famine. If it was too high, it would be destructive. The Nilometer is an ancient instrument used to measure the waters of

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A new Father of Architecture (Imhotep) 2600 BC

A new Father of Architecture (Imhotep) 2600 BC

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Father of Architecture (Imhotep) 2600 BC Imhotep: The Egyptian Polymath and Divine Genius Father of Architecture. Imhotep (2655-2600 BC) was a polymath who left an indelible mark on ancient Egypt and changed architecture methods of his era. He was revered as the first architect, engineer, and physician in recorded history, and his contributions to these

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Mega discovery in Saqqara

Mega discovery in Saqqara

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The first ever complete papyrus discovered by Egyptians, it reaches 16 metres, the papyrus contains 113 spells from the Book of the Dead. Last May, an Egyptian archaeological mission was excavating in Saqqara’s Bubasteum necropolis, when they found something that they had never seen before. “What is this? Is it a roll? No, it is
