von Sultan Hassan

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Beliebte Aktivitäten
Erkunde echte Abenteuer
4.91 by 7 reviews
- Qualität5
- Standort4.86
- Annehmlichkeiten4.86
- Dienstleistungen4.86
- Preis5
Ein Tagesausflug in Alexandria
- Qualität5
- Standort5
- Annehmlichkeiten5
- Dienstleistungen5
- Preis5
Tagesausflug nach Luxor ab Hurghada.
4.96 by 17 reviews
- Qualität5
- Standort4.94
- Annehmlichkeiten4.94
- Dienstleistungen5
- Preis4.94
Tagesausflug nach Kairo ab Hurghada.
4.88 by 10 reviews
- Qualität5
- Standort5
- Annehmlichkeiten4.6
- Dienstleistungen5
- Preis4.8
Zwei Tage in Kairo
4.96 by 10 reviews
- Qualität5
- Standort4.9
- Annehmlichkeiten4.9
- Dienstleistungen5
- Preis5
2 Tage Pyramidentour, Camping, Sandboarding und die Sahara-Wüste.
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The Egyptians are still talking like ancestors
The ancient Egyptian civilization is generally considered to have started around 3100 BCE, with
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The great Pyramid disappeared
The great Pyramid disappeared The story began in 1951 by the archaeologist and Egyptologist Zakaria
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The Cave Church
The Cave Church in Cairo is a massive open-air Coptic church nestled inside a cave
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The silence of death and the key of life1
Between death and Life, the scary Statue of King Hor. He is looking at you!!!
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Bastet ( the Cat Goddess)
Bastet: Goddess of Protection, Fertility, and Cats Bastet is an ancient Egyptian goddess known for
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The largest petrified-Forest in the World
Discover authentic desert adventure at the Largest Petrified Forest in the world which is located