the tale has been told for the next generations

the tale has been told for the next generations

the tale has been told for the next generations

It can be a dream for most of the people around the world to visit the land of the pharaohs, the great pyramids, and its sphinx.

The great pyramid one of the ancient wonders of the world and the most ancient among them but that is not all.

Egypt has a great culture and an amazing nature which covers the land from south to north and from east to west.


If you are planning to visit Egypt this article will be very helpful.

Egypt is officially an African country but part of it is in Asia which is (Sinai peninsula).

The capital is Cairo which is the modern name in Arabic (Alqhira).

Egypt is one million square KM, so it’s unlogic to think that what worth seeing are only the pyramids and the sphinx.

before visiting Egypt take the chance of looking at the Egyptian map to know more about what possible to see and discover which can suit your wishes and interests or just give us the honor to serve you.


Egypt has a variety which makes it a vacation paradise.

If you are interested in history, it will be doubtless the best place for that as it has the most complete civilization in the history of mankind dated back to 3700 BC, and lasted for thousands of years in different shapes (Pharaonic, Greco-Roman, Coptic, Islamic and modern ).

From south to north along the river Nile the tale has been told on the tongue of the great kings and queens for the generations.

Starting from Abusimble as Ramses the great is proving his love for his queen Nefertari by building for her and himself one of the wonders of the ancient world which underrated, passing by the great temples which dwell the sides of the greatest industry lake on earth (Nasser lake).

In Luxor try not to close your eyes as the ancient Egyptian gods are guiding you to their mysterious, royal and holy buildings and keen on having enough time.


Aswan is the city of Isis as you should visit its temple on the holy island in the middle of the Nile.

Reaching Dendera where the goddess is dwelling the most preserved colorful ancient temple on earth.

Sohag where Osiris The lord of dead, rebirth, and afterlife is buried in the most sacred place regarding the ancient Egyptian mythology where is the oldest list for the great kings of Egypt has been depicted.

Elminea reveals secrets of the ancient Egyptian life, as they have been depicted on the walls of the tombs the lifestyle, sports competitions and the real life of the ancient civilized people.

Now we are back to the north as we arriving at MNF (Memphis) the first capital of Egypt, moving to the south where is the step pyramid and the first stone buildings in history.

Reaching the great pyramids at the end of the tale which represents the pearl of crown.

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