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Curse of the Pharaohs and Cambyses’ lost army.
Curse of the Pharaohs and Cambyses lost army Cambyses II. Cambyses II (flourished 6th century
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1st first well-known female Pharaoh
When we think of the word pharaoh, many of us conjure up mental images of
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A new discovery in Saqqara
Wahty Tomb Saqqara Complex Who is Wahty? Wahtye (fl. 25th-century BC) was a high-ranking priest
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Ramses Temple
Abusimble Temple south of Egypt The two rock temples of Abu Simbel, mighty monuments of
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Mount Sinai Monastery
Mount Sinai Monastery or Saint Catherine Monastery The Greek Orthodox monastery of the God-trodden Mount
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Nilometer the 1st device for determining taxes
A Nilometer in ancient Egypt was a structure for measuring the Nile’s clarity and
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