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1st first well-known female Pharaoh

1st first well-known female Pharaoh

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When we think of the word pharaoh, many of us conjure up mental images of Tutankhamun Ramsses or in some cases, Cleopatra However, when researching the history of the rulers of Egypt, women are largely excluded, and a pharaoh is almost always pictured as a male. Sobekneferu was the first female Pharaoh to rule Egypt in

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A new discovery in Saqqara

A new discovery in Saqqara

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  Wahty Tomb Saqqara Complex  Who is Wahty? Wahtye (fl. 25th-century BC) was a high-ranking priest and official who served under King Neferirkare during the Fifth Dynast of Egypt Based on his skull, he was probably 35-years-old when he died. The Tomb discovered in November 2018, Tomb of ancient Egyptian high priest remained untouched for 4500

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Ramses Temple

Ramses Temple

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Abusimble Temple south of Egypt The two rock temples of Abu Simbel, mighty monuments of the “Builder Pharaoh” Ramesses II, are the southernmost on the soil of modern Egypt. In antiquity, the territory of Abu Simbel was part of Lower Nubia, among the whose conquered population the presence of the massive temples was intended to

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Mount Sinai Monastery

Mount Sinai Monastery

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Mount Sinai Monastery or Saint Catherine Monastery The Greek Orthodox monastery of the God-trodden Mount Sinai is located at the very place where God appeared to Moses in the Burning Bush, beneath the Mount of the Decalogue. In the providence of God, it is at this site also that the holy relics of Saint Catherine

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Nilometer the 1st device for determining taxes

Nilometer the 1st device for determining taxes

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  A Nilometer in ancient Egypt was a structure for measuring the Nile’s clarity and water level during the annual flood season or “Akhet”. If the water level was low, there would be famine. If it was too high, it would be destructive. The Nilometer is an ancient instrument used to measure the waters of

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Desert salt lakes 1once in a lifetime experience

Desert salt lakes 1once in a lifetime experience

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Once in a lifetime experience (the salt lakes in the middle of the desert) It’s incredible to know that the Desert lakes are almost 95 percent salt due to a neighboring salt mine. They’re around 4 metres deep and offer both hot and cold water! There’s no need to worry if one can’t swim well
