Did the ancient Egyptians have a modern technology??

Did the ancient Egyptians have a modern technology??

Did the ancient Egyptians have a modernt echnology??

This could take years of discussions, but let’s think about one of the main elements of the ancient Egyptians architectures.

The Obelisk 🤔

Obelisks were prominent in the architecture of the ancient Egyptians, and played a vital role in their religion placing them in pairs at the entrance of the temples.

The word “obelisk” as used in English today is of Greek rather than Egyptian origin because Herodotus, the Greek traveller, was one of the first classical writers to describe the objects.

A number of ancient Egyptian obelisks are known to have survived.

The earliest temple obelisk still in its original position is the 68-foot (20.7 m)  red granite Obelisk of Senusret I of the Twelfth Dynasty at Al-Matariyyah in modern Heliopolis.

In Egyptian mythology, the obelisk symbolized the sun god Ra, and during the religious reformation of Akhenaten it was said to have been a petrified ray of the Aten, the sundisk.

Benben was the mound that arose from the primordial waters Nun upon which the creator god Atum settled in the creation story of the Heliopolitan creation myth form of Ancient Egyptian religion.

The Benben stone (also known as a pyramidion) is the top stone of the Egyptian pyramid.

It is also related to the obelisk.

Let’s move now to one of the clearest evodences that the ancient Egyptians had a technology which maybe surpass our modern one.

“Incomplete Obelisk” in Aswan

As it is called, it is one of the wonders of the world, which is considered a mystery of the secrets of the ancient Egyptians
The incomplete obelisk of Aswan was first revealed in 1921 AD, and it is now 100 years since its discovery, and it is the largest obelisk in the world
Giant obelisk is a single piece of red granite .. 42 meters long and 1168 tons!

Red granite contains quartz by 20% to 80%, which means that it is a very hard rock.. It cannot be cut with machines that were available to the Pharaohs at the time, such as copper, bronze and diorite.
If we suppose that a strong man can lift 200 kg .. then we will need 6000 men .. just to lift this obelisk from its place!
How was that obelisk cut and how were they planning to move it with such a huge weight?

The incomplete obelisk is one of the monuments that confirm a clear fact.

That there was once sophisticated technology in ancient Egypt.
Technology that the world has not yet reached !!!

Experience the magic of Egypt where it all begins

The greatest 🤗

Made of a one red granite stone.

The height 42 Meter.

The weight 1168 tons.

The red granite contains around 20% to 80% Quartz, which means that it’s a very hard stone which couldn’t be cut by primitive equipments like Copper, Bronze or Diorite.

If we say that a very powerful man could lift 200 KG, that means to lift this Obelisk we must have 6000 men to could lift it.

How did they cut this Obelisk 🤔

What was the plan to move it from its quarry and transfer to one of those great temples🤔

This unfinished Obelisk is one of the very clear evidences that the ancient Egyptians had a very developing technology which exceed by far any of our expectations

Did the ancient Egyptians have a modern technology??

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